At Saucon Valley Acupuncture, you get the benefit of Warren’s unique training and application of that training into a new modern westernized Acupuncture known as the Miles Method. As seen on the about page, Warren developed his unique style of Acupuncture out of necessity. It is important to keep up to date with the latest techniques for acupuncture, however, Warren believes that, as a medical practitioner, the development of his unique style expresses a sense of creativity in the field of acupuncture and gives an experience to patients that will leave them feeling better than before.
If you had acupuncture in the past and it hasn’t worked for you, try a treatment with PA's #1 acupuncturist, Warren Miles, and feel the difference.
Questions or Concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns about acupuncture centers or the services we specialize in, please feel free to contact us by phone or by email and our staff members will happily discuss all your questions and concerns.